How Maps Can Lead to Racism

In class, we learned that the world map we use in school is actually very inaccurate. The map makes Africa and South America look much smaller than they actually are, and makes Europe look larger. The outdated map should probably be replaced with a Peter's Projection Map. This map is accurate in representing a 3D subject (the Earth) on a 2D surface by adjusting longitudinal lines. This more accurately shows the continents in correct proportions.
We also learned that in Oceanic countries, the map is displayed upside down by American standards. This is so Australia is in the top left and therefore, the first thing that we see, rather than on the bottom right and nearly out of sight.
Schick connected this to nationalism and patriotism, as we thought it was proper for America to be the first thing on the map, because in each person's eyes, their country is the best/ most important.
(I'd like to add that, on a personal note, I think that the U.S. isn't really that great. I believe that this country relies on a culture of toxic masculinity and violent mental illness. The refusal of genuine artistic culture and the American pastime of rejection our own emotions (mostly wherein those who express themselves are seen as weak, and women are barred from politics and business because of the belief that our capacity to express and emote will prevent us from mindlessly following rules.) has led to a morally bankrupt nation.)
We then discussed that by making Africa and South America smaller and putting them at the bottom of the map has given people in Europe and North America a skewed view of the continents and made us see them as less important.
This idea that countries in Africa and South America are small, unimportant, and impoverished has resulted in prejudice towards them in countries like the U.S.
This reminds me about a piece I read that showed how impoverished countries in Africa were staying impoverished because people from 1st world countries often refused to visit countries with poor reputations. Without people from wealthier countries traveling to these places, the people there couldn't make money from tourism.
To wrap this up, schools need more accurate maps and people need to recognize the merits of other countries and stop glorifying their own countries.


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