Mercator vs Peter's Projection

The Mercator projection map is a map projection that exaggerates areas farther from the equator, making them seem larger than areas close to the equator. The Mercator projection map is the standard map for navigation, as it represents any course of constant bearing as a straight segment.
The Peter's projection map is a map projection that shows areas in their correct proportions by distorting shapes. This gives a fairer representation to areas near the equator than the common Mercator projection map.
The Peter's projection map shows land masses accurately and does away with euro-centric bias from a cartographical standpoint at the expense of vertically distorted continents near the equator.
While the Mercator projection is preferable for navigation, the Peter's projection gives a more accurate display of the planet.
Of course, displaying any 3D subject (earth) on a 2D surface is bound to result in inaccuracies and flaws, but I personally believe Peter's projection is a better projection of earth.


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