Second Post

Talking about high school in class today was a definite learning experience. We discussed how time management between extracurriculars, studies, and social lives can be difficult when you're new to it, like us freshman are. I also think one of the challenging parts of high school is adapting to a new social culture. People interact differently here, and it's hard to get used to.
I also really liked reading 'A Message to Garcia.' Hubbard's writing described the importance of "concentrating on a thing and doing it" with diligence and focus, rather than relying on others to assist you, or simply not caring about the tasks assigned to you. I admire Hubbard's passion evidently shown in his work, and adore the writing style of that century. The elegance and pleasing aesthetic of late nineteenth century literature is enchanting, and apparent even in a piece about the "imbecility of the average man"


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