Socrates and Definitions

Agora- Ancient Greek meeting and marketplace, usually at the center of the city-state because of it's political importance.
Polis- Greek city-state, politically and financially independent.
508 BC- Cleisthenes introduced democracy to Athens. This marks the first time in recorded history that regular citizens overthrew the ruling class and took control.
Socrates- Greek philosopher and teacher whose ideas are behind most of the philosophies in the Western world.
Death of Socrates- Socrates was sentenced to death by hemlock poisoning. He was found guilty of two charges: impiety (disrespecting the gods) and corruption of youth (telling his young students to think for themselves). Socrates had a chance to escape, but refused. Accepting his sentence even though it was a slow, painful death, was a show of his loyalty to Athenian democracy. Along with this, Socrates didn't try to deny his crimes or ask for forgiveness. He believed he had done right, and should be rewarded rather than punished.
Socratic Method- Cooperative arguing. This method involved questioning the person to determine their underlying beliefs and the extent of their knowledge.
What 'idiot' meant in Ancient Greece- An idiot was someone who wasn't' contributing to politics and/or community.


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