Test Review

We got our tests back today and looked over them. I got all of the questions correct, even the bonus one!
We looked over our essays and discussed if we would've voted Socrates guilty or not guilty, and why.
We then discussed if it was fair to give a convicted criminal a lesser sentence because of their past achievements. I think it's unfair, especially in the case Mr. Schick brought up, where a convicted rapist was given a light sentence because the judge didn't want to ruin the man's future.
This is unfair to the victim, and puts other people in danger by telling this criminal that there are no consequences to his horrid, inhumane actions simply because he's "a good guy".
This mentality lets people get away with crimes and gives them immunity in court, just because some people are afraid to mess with the "bright future" of a disgusting person.
I don't think that Socrates should've been given special privileges because of his status as a war hero and well-known figure in Athens, but I believe that he should've been found not guilty because he didn't corrupt youth so much as he inspired them to have thoughts of their own, and that he didn't disrespect Athens' Gods by questioning them, but explored new ideas that helped Athens.


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