Day After Test Day

We got our tests back today and checked them. I got an 81%, and I'm happy with my score.  Also, everybody who took the test got a trick question wrong, so I don't feel that bad about getting that wrong.
Also, at the beginning of class, we learnt about and discussed the traditions of spirit week, including the rules for getting taped.
I personally think we should honor tradition and not take off the tape, but some people disagree. Also, we talked about how you couldn't tape upperclassman (freshman can't tape anyone, sophmores can tape freshman, juniors can tape freshman and sophomores, and seniors can tape everyone).
A lot of people wore their class colors today, and I noticed that the older you get, the more effort you put into it. Very few freshman were wearing more white clothes than just their class shirt, while most of the seniors were entirely dressed in green. My sister, a senior, was wearing green glitter on her cheeks, green shorts, green socks, her green class shirt, green sunglasses, green hairspray, and a green whistle.
I think spirit week, as much fun as it is, would be more fun if freshman put in more effort. I think a lot of us just didn't know how much effort is usually put in, and weren't fully prepared.


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