Population Rates

Today in class, we discussed crude birth rate, crude death rate, immigration and emigration.
Crude birth rate is the number of births per 1000 population, and crude death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 population. When you subtract the crude death rate from the crude birth rate, you get the rate of natural increase, or RNI, which is the annual natural growth rate of a nation in percentage form.
Then we got into net migration rate, which is the difference between the number of people leaving a countermand the number of people coming in to that same country during a year. An excess of people coming into a nation is net immigration, written as a positive number. An excess of people leaving a nation is net emigration, written as a negative number.
People have push forces and pull forces for immigrating and emigrating.
Push forces include civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment/ underemployment, and religious of ethnic persecution. Pull forces include better economic opportunity, better health services, religious freedom, and political freedom.


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