
Showing posts from November, 2019

Tests Returned Today

At the beginning of class, we wrote blog posts while someone that was absent began taking it. After this, when they finish taking the test, we'll get our graded tests back and go over answers. On veracious, I saw that I got a 92%. Im kind of upset honestly, because I was hoping to do better than that and get a higher score. Ill study harder next time we have a test or quiz. We have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving break. I personally think it's kind of tacky to only give us 3 days off plus a weekend, but whatever. Also, I have to stay after school until7:30 to manage the junior varsity basketball team, and tomorrow I have to go to one of their games, which totally ruins my day off. I'm also pretty bummed that I'll have to talk to all my relatives at Thanksgiving, because old people are lame, and the holiday should be about food. At least Black Friday is coming up soon though, which is the best holiday. Bye.

World Religions Quiz

We took our quiz on the 5 major world religions, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism. A couple of the questions were hard, but overall I think I did pretty well. I studied hard before class so I would get a good grade, and I'm hoping that my hard work paid off here. This was an interesting unit, although it was tough at times to comprehend the information. I'd like to learn more on theology and different religions around the world. Im hoping I can at John Carroll. Anyway, good unit, good quiz, it was fun 10/10, sorry this blog post is shorter than many others of mine. Bye.

5 Major World Religions Cont.

We finished up our slideshow on 5 major world religions with Buddhism and Judaism. We discussed that Buddhism doesn't have a holy book, and that the number of adherents is widely estimated because some Buddhists also follow another religion while practicing Buddhism at the same time. Apparently, Buddhism surrounds the idea of reaching enlightenment and Nirvana by cutting the bond between their happiness and their possessions. This includes not desiring things that you don't have or don't need. We learnt that very few people reach what Buddhists call Nirvana because it's a difficult task. When we went over Judaism, we focused on the struggles that Jews have had all throughout history, like the Holocaust. Mr. Schick brought up that Jesus was Jewish, and connected the history of Judaism to what we've all been learning in our Christian religion classes. I think this was a good way to describe it to us.

5 Major World Religions

In class today, we began learning about the first three major world religion, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. We learnt about their holy books, founders, number of adherents, beliefs, clergies, and denominations. We talked about differences in different denominations of religions, and the conflict between them. I know that Ireland and Northern Ireland/ England have a history of conflict between Catholics and Protestants that still exists today. My father and uncle once witnessed a group of Irish Catholics throwing bombs at Protestant British soldiers, and my grandmother growing up in a region that contained many IRA soldiers. We also discussed how some beliefs are less religions and more a way of life, and the history of each religion we brought up. For example, Hinduism is probably the oldest extant religion, and is a series of intellectual and philosophical points of view, rather than strict laws and beliefs like Christianity and Islam. These views include reincarnation, the be...


I was not in class today, and unfortunately cannot complete my blog post.

Test Day

Today in class we took a test regarding our population and settlement unit. questions were primarily centered around things like population pyramids, crude birth rate, crude death rate, and immigration/ emigration. I studied last night, as well as this morning in class, before we got our tests. I went over population pyramids, the differences between developing and developed countries, and terms like total fertility rate and net migration rate. I think I did well, and I'm hoping for a really good grade.

Presentation Day Cont.

We watched the final presentation today in class, and then we graded ourselves and our fellow group members. Everybody in my group did a really good job, so I gave them high scores. We also talked about the pros and cons of cannibalism and how to solve world hunger. Personally, I think cannibalism is unreliable. Humans weren't meant to eat other humans, so it's unhealthy and hard to digest. Also, while overpopulation and world hunger would both go down, quality of life worldwide would go down, which isn't better. I've found a reliable solution, although some would find it controversial: worldwide veganism. Studies show that around 90% of the world's crops go to feeding livestock, and the meat, eggs, and milk from that livestock only feeds a small percentage of the population. By cutting out the middle man and eating the crops we grow for livestock instead of the livestock itself, there'd be much less starvation in the world. Im researching this now, and I...

Presentation Day

Our group presented our powerpoint on issues in underdeveloped and post-industrial nations, and possible solutions. I think our group did pretty well, but I stuttered over some of my words when I was presenting my part. I know that John Carroll really values public speaking assignments, but I'm super bad at them. I just hope our group got an A.

Group Project Cont.

In class, we finished up our project on the problems facing developing nations and the problems facing post-industrial nations, and the solutions to all of them. We discussed which parts I'd be presenting, and since I was absent on Friday (our most recent workday) I was brought up to speed by m group mates. Ill be presenting the solutions to problems plaguing the United States- our post-industrial country- such as drug abuse and poor mental health. Solutions include taking measures to avoid drug trafficking and providing better outlets, like counselors, for people struggling with their mental health and mental illnesses.

Group Project

We were put into groups today to make a powerpoint on the problems of 2 countries- one that's developing, and one that's post-industrial. 4 team captains were chosen, and they then chose the people in their groups from the rest of the class. My group chose Afghanistan for our developing nation, and the United States as our post-industrial nation. We're showing the differences between them in terms of GDP, infant mortality rate, literacy rate, and a few other categories. Then we will address problems specific to the countries and the steps to take in solving them. For example, Afghanistan has a low literacy rate, especially compared to the United States, so a solution would be for the state to fund schools more and focus on education, as well as teaching people necessary skills- like reading- at a young age. This could improve the country's literacy rate in the next few generations.

Exam Review

Today in class we answered questions and prepared for the semester exam, which is technically the final exam since this is a semester-long class. We discussed the definitions of crude birth rate, crude death rate, rate of natural increase, and total fertility rate. We also talked about CIA world fact book, and the proper sources to cite when writing a research paper. For example, anything ending with '.gov' is reliable because it's a government website, and that you're not supposed to cite an encyclopedia, but rather the sources of the encyclopedia. After that we came to discuss essay questions on the exam. Then we talked about the proper way to discuss human geography with a 2-day-old infant, which I'm thankful for because my baby cousins are stupid and I might need to teach them things.


I wasn't in school today and couldn't do a blog post. :(