5 Major World Religions Cont.

We finished up our slideshow on 5 major world religions with Buddhism and Judaism. We discussed that Buddhism doesn't have a holy book, and that the number of adherents is widely estimated because some Buddhists also follow another religion while practicing Buddhism at the same time. Apparently, Buddhism surrounds the idea of reaching enlightenment and Nirvana by cutting the bond between their happiness and their possessions. This includes not desiring things that you don't have or don't need. We learnt that very few people reach what Buddhists call Nirvana because it's a difficult task.
When we went over Judaism, we focused on the struggles that Jews have had all throughout history, like the Holocaust. Mr. Schick brought up that Jesus was Jewish, and connected the history of Judaism to what we've all been learning in our Christian religion classes. I think this was a good way to describe it to us.


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