Tests Returned Today

At the beginning of class, we wrote blog posts while someone that was absent began taking it. After this, when they finish taking the test, we'll get our graded tests back and go over answers. On veracious, I saw that I got a 92%. Im kind of upset honestly, because I was hoping to do better than that and get a higher score. Ill study harder next time we have a test or quiz.
We have the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving break. I personally think it's kind of tacky to only give us 3 days off plus a weekend, but whatever. Also, I have to stay after school until7:30 to manage the junior varsity basketball team, and tomorrow I have to go to one of their games, which totally ruins my day off. I'm also pretty bummed that I'll have to talk to all my relatives at Thanksgiving, because old people are lame, and the holiday should be about food.
At least Black Friday is coming up soon though, which is the best holiday.


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