Mesopotamia Questions

1. Fertile Crescent- Land facing the Mediterranean Sea. Curved shape, fertile soil.
   Mesopotamia- Plain in the Fertile Crescent, "land between the rivers".
   City-State- A city and surrounding land that has its own government within a united territory.
   Dynasty- A series of rulers from a single family.
   Cultural Diffusion- An idea or product that spreads from one culture to another.
   Polytheism- Belief in multiple gods/ deities.
   Empire- Previously independent states brought together under a single ruler.
   Hammurabi-Ruler, lawmaker and military leader of vast empire, made a single unified legal code.
3. The three environmental challenges for Sumerians were (1) unpredictable flooding paired with periods of little or no rain (2) no natural barriers to protect them, and (3) scarce natural resources.


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