Greek Philosophers

We began studying the three most influential philosophers in Ancient Greece, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.
Socrates encouraged his students to examine heir beliefs and showed them the many contradictory thoughts that people had by using the Socratic Method, asking people a series of questions until they had a better understanding of their own thoughts. Socrates was put to death by drinking poison hemlock after pleading guilty when charged with disrespecting the goods and corrupting the youth of Athens.
Plato, a student of Socrates, wrote about his teachings in a work called Apology. Plato also wrote The Republic, his opinion on what would be the perfect government. He wrote about three different classes, with a philosopher king at the top of the ruing class.
Aristotle, a student of Plato, invented a method of arguing according to logic. He's known for teaching Alexander the Great when he was young.


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